Tamara Wyndham
Hand Print Paintings
A handprint: a purposeful mark. Contact prints of the hand have a tradition in sacred arts, often as a talisman against the evil eye. Sometimes functioning as evidence of the physical existence of divine or holy persons, as in the handprints of Buddhist monks. The earliest handprints go back 30,000 years at Chauvet Cave and other prehistoric sites. The message of the handprint is “I was here”. The hand signifies touch, and the ability to create.
I start with a contact handprint, of either the palm or the back of the hand, or both overlaid on top of each other, and use a traced outline of the hand as well. Then I paint color around it and in layers over it, working further with artist’s brushes, my fingers, airbrush, and splattered painting techniques. The layers, adding both physical and metaphorical substance, enhance the original print, as well as building up a glow, so that the aura becomes luminous. I use color intuitively to express the energy which emanates particularly from the hands. Symbols from sacred traditions are sometimes used to refer to meanings and realities beyond the apparently physical.
Our hands create, and make us human. Because of our opposable thumb, we can grasp tools, and so express our intelligence and imagination. It is my hope that these paintings bring to the viewer an awareness of the marvel of the ability of our hands; to create, to express, to touch.

Contact body print, stencils, acrylic on cotton. Unstretched, it is 44 x 62 inches. I plan to stretch it at some point; then it will be a few inches smaller.

contact hand print acrylic on cotton 11 x 17 inches

contact hand print and stencils acrylic on cotton

contact hand print and stencils acrylic on cotton

acrylic on paper 13” x 10”

stencil print acrylic on paper 28.5 in H x 22.5 W

acrylic on paper 13.5” x 10.5”

mixed media on paper 13” x 9.5”

mixed media on paper 10” x 8”

acrylic & ink on paper 12.5” x 9.5”

Mixed media: menstrual blood, wine, smoke, and acrylic on paper. 11 x 8 in.

Menstrual blood and acrylic on paper 12” x 16”

acrylic on paper 11” x 8.5”

Menstrual blood and acrylic on paper 12” x 14” Syriac script: This is the door full of love and within it is love Come, sinner, pray much For love from your Lord

Logos & Pistis acrylic on paper 9” x 12” “Reason is our soul's left hand, Faith her right.” - John Donne

acrylic on paper 12” x 8.5” "Remember that unbalanced force is evil; that unbalanced severity is but cruelty and oppression; but that also unbalanced mercy is but weakness which would allow and abet evil. " ~ Liber Librae

acrylic on paper 10.25” x 8.5”

mixed media on paper 10” x 8”

mixed media on paper 11” x 8.5”

mixed media on paper 11” x 8.5”

acrylic and spray paint on paper 14" x 11" Arabic Script

acrylic on paper 12” x 9”

acrylic on paper 12” x 9”